by Way of Peace | Jun 14, 2017 | Jerusalem
Beit Hayeshua continues to prosper. We have seen four men graduate from stage one of the program and move into stage two. In this stage, the men go out and work while continuing to live at the center. At this time there are 6 men in stage two and 6 in stage one. The following are some of the men whom we have received into stage one during the last few months:
Anton has been addicted to alcohol for years. Anton is very intelligent, but because of alcoholism, he has lost his family and just about everything else. He has turned his life over to the Lord and seems very serious about making changes in his life.
Victor is a drug addict who has been through a number of rehab centers. He has much potential, but he has always fallen back to drugs after some time. He has renewed his commitment to the Lord ad we hope and trust that this time will be the last that Victor will need a rehab program.
Vitaly is an older alcoholic who has been through part of our program before. Suddenly he left. After a year outside during which he returned to his drinking, Vitally realized that he needed to finish the program. He has also recommitted his life to the Lord and seems more serious about building a relationship with Yeshua.
Alex is our newest in the program. He has been on heroin and methadone for years. He is still going through withdrawal at this time. He has repented and asked the Lord into his life. Right now Alex seems determined to go through the entire program. Please pray for him.
by Way of Peace | Jun 14, 2017 | Bethlehem
53% of the Palestinian society are people under the age of 20 years old. As a church, we see that we have a spiritual responsibility for this neglected portion of our society. That is why we now added to the ministry team of the church a new addition, Salim and his wife Lubna to be full-time ministers to the teenage people. We are aiming for the team to reach out to children and young people with the gospel of good news, the gospel of life. Tony&Mary with children’s ministries, Salim&Lubna with Teenagers ministries, and Fadi&Sandreen with the young adults ministries. All the ministry team, which includes seven full-time ministers, besides the elders of the church, feel the urgency of investing ourselves in the ministry now for we do not know what tomorrow holds for this country that is full of hatred, violence, religion, and uncertainty.
by Way of Peace | Jun 14, 2017 | Ramallah
As told by Victor.
Persecuted by her husband because of her beliefs to a degree that they almost got divorced. She took a stand and remained in her faith. We were surprised by her hostile husband as he invited us to come and start a bible study at his home on a weekly basis. He explained that he was touched by the love of Christ and by the brotherly love which he witnessed among us.
by Way of Peace | Jun 14, 2017 | Tel Aviv
Avi and Chaya were planting a tree on the hills around the historical site of Latrun, near Jerusalem. They had been invited by the Israeli organization ‘Be’ad Chaim’ (Pro-life) to the dedication of a memorial forest called ‘Ganei Chaim’ (Gardens of Life) in honor of unborn children. Be’ad Chaim encourages pregnant women who are considering an abortion to continue their pregnancy and choose life-giving alternatives. They operate Crisis pregnancy centers and hotlines throughout the country. Both Avi and Chaya have been supporters of this ministry for many years. Chaya was asked to speak at the dedication service and leads healing seminars for women who have had abortions here in Israel.
After planting a tree, a man approached Avi and said, “Do you remember me?” Avi recognized his face but he couldn’t remember where he had met him before. The man named Michael explained that 15 years ago he had visited Dugit Outreach Centre in Tel Aviv. He continued, “I came to your center because I saw you on national TV. You were interviewed by a reporter and you shared your testimony about how you came to faith in Yeshua (Jesus). When I saw you, I was touched and the next day I came to Dugit. We talked together and you gave me a New Testament in Hebrew, some other books and a cup of coffee. You prayed for me and I left. Today, I am a believer and I attend a Congregation in the town of Ashdod where I live.” Avi was so happy to meet Michael again after all these years and Michael was glad he was able to share about his faith in the Messiah.
Yeshua said in the Gospel of John chapter 4: 34-37 “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
That is what Dugit is all about! Sowing and reaping! It is a place where Israelis can come from all over Israel to downtown Tel Aviv, to our center at number 1 Ben Yehuda Street and hear the Good News. At Dugit, they can receive a New Testament, books about Yeshua and a cup of coffee. Most importantly they can receive prayer and salvation through Yeshua the Messiah!
Thank you for your support as we sow and reap together!
by Way of Peace | Jun 14, 2017 | Jaffa
As told by Victor.
A woman of the church took a medical examination. The result was that there was a big problem … and dangerous, the blood did not flow to the heart. This made her fall into depression.
This affected the whole family, especially her husband who was not a believer.I was requested to visit her at home and pray with her. I went with a group from my church and we made a prayer meeting, and we prayed for her.
Two weeks later I accompanied her to run tests again. We got to the laboratory and she made the necessary tests. The result was that there was no disease. When she asked the doctor, what happened he simply there is no trace of any problem, this means you are fully recovered